
on 26 March 2024 amendments were adopted to Cabinet Regulation No. 202 of 16 April 2013, procedures for issuing State recognised documents certifying higher Education, which came into force on 3 April of this year.The significant changes have occurred in qualification document templates, most notably:- the title "First

In the EQF Recommendation 2017, the Commission and the Member States were recommended to explore the possibility of comparing third countries' national and regional qualifications frameworks with the EQF. The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has the potential to facilitate transparency and recognition of

On 11 October 2022 amendments to Section 59 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions “Degrees, Vocational Qualification to be Acquired in Studies, and Diplomas to be Issued” came into force.QualificationTill 11.10.2022Since 11.10.2022Diploma of first level professional higher education (college education, length of fulltime

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Updated 18.01.2023.

On 1 August 2022 amendments to Section 5 of The Vocational Education Law “Levels of Vocational qualifications in the Latvian Qualifications Framework” came into force, which resulted in a transition from 5 levels of professional qualification to 8 levels of professional qualification. The Vocational Education Law states that

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Updated 15.01.2023.

Латвійська система освіти і доступні у ній кваліфікаціїКоротко про систему освіти ЛатвіїЛатвійська система освіти складається з дошкільної освіти, початкової освіти, середньої освіти і вищої освіти. Тривалість загальної освіти складає 12 років, що передбачає обов’язкову 9-річну основну освіту та 3-річну середню освіту. Окрім

On 17 May 2022, the academic information Centre organised a workshop “Opening Latvian Qualifications Framework for microcredentials”.The purpose of the seminar was to start discussion among stakeholders on the importance of micro-credentials in the context of education in Latvia and the possibilities to include them in the

In 2020, Academic Information Centre conducted an extensive study to identify the role of Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) in education and labour market of Latvia, as well as to determine, whether or not and to what extent the LQF is recognised among education professionals, employers and general public. To gather in

Latvian NCP has prepared informative video presentationsLatvian NCP, within European Commission project No. VS/2018/0241, has prepared three informative video presentations in Latvian on LQF and Latvian qualifications in national and European education information area.Informative video presentations:• Latvian Qualifications

Latvian NCP has published an animated video about LQF and EQFAcademic Informations Centre (AIC) – Latvian NCP has published an animated video in English about Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) and European Qualifications Framework (EQF), how to use both frameworks and learning outcomes to compare national qualifications

Latvian NCP has published results of the study "Visibility and use of Latvian Qualifications Database in Latvia"  In 2019, Academic Information Centre (AIC) - Latvian NCP in cooperation with Ltd. "RAIT Custom Research Baltic" conducted a study "Visibility and use of Latvian Qualifications Database in

On 7th November, 2019 the Academic Information Centre (AIC) organised a working seminar “Development of the Latvian Qualifications Database in the Context of the Latvian Qualifications Framework”. The aim of this working seminar was to present the results of the impact study conducted by the AIC “Usability of the Latvian

On 29th August, 2019 the Academic Information Centre (AIC) organised a working seminar “Europass and the Latvian Qualifications Framework: Further Steps”. The aim of this working seminar was to inform policy makers, implementers and social partners of occupational and general education about the development of the Latvian

On April 30, 2019, the Academic Information Centre (AIC) organized an international conference “Impact of National Qualifications Frameworks on Education Development”.  The aim of the conference was to look back at the development of the Latvian Qualifications Framework and the most significant changes in education since 2010,

On March 27, 2019, the Academic Information Centre (AIC) organized a training seminar “Learning outcomes in higher education institutions”, aimed at familiarizing representatives of Latvian higher education institutions with the learning outcomes of higher education qualifications in the Latvian Qualifications Database and their

On August 22, 2018, the kick-off meeting of the QUATREC (Comparison of Qualifications for Trusted Recognition) project coordinated by the Academic Information Centre (AIC) - Latvian ENIC/NARIC centre took place in Riga. The meeting was attended by the representatives of project partners - United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Estonia and

The draft NQF Decree has been developed from 2011 to 2015. It was submitted for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers in 2016. On 18 July 2018 the draft law No. 311 "National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning of the Republic of Azerbaijan" was approved by Novruz Mammadov, the Prime Minister of the Republic