The Academic Information Centre – Latvian NCP arranged the conference “Opening up the National Qualifications Frameworks for International Qualifications” held in Riga, Latvia (Avalon Hotel, 19 Street 13. janvāra) on 14 November 2014.This conference was aimed at promoting discussion regarding international qualifications:•
The new state standard of the second-level professional higher education (12.09.2014) indicates the relevant EQF levels.The Cabinet of Ministers regulations No 240 “Regulations on the state standard of the second level professional higher education” (August 26, 2014) came into force on September 12, 2014. The standard defines
The Cabinet of Ministers regulations No 240 „Regulations on the state standard of the academic education” (May 13, 2014) came into force on May 16, 2014. The standard defines a strategic objective of the academic study programmes. The objective is to provide students with the theoretical knowledge of science and research skills,