On December 18, 2017, the Academic Information Centre organized a working seminar "Development of the Latvian Qualifications Framework".The aim of the seminar was to discuss issues to be covered by the report according to the set criteria, as well as to look at changes in Latvian education under the influence of the
On 16 November, 2017 Academic information centre / National Europass centre Latvia hosted international conference „Digital Data for Enhancing Mobility in Higher Education”.The conference discussed the exchange of digital student data – Groningen declaration, as well as other projects supporting quick exchange of data for
On October 26, 2017, Academic Information Centre organized a seminar "Validation of non-formal learning outcomes in the context of the Latvian qualifications framework".The aim of the seminar was to introduce higher education and VET institutions with experience and achievements in the evaluation and recognition of
On June 13, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a new regulation on the Classification of the Latvian Education. The regulation was developed for comparing the Classification of the Latvian Education with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013), as well as regulation defines the levels of the
On May 31, 2017, Academic Information Centre organized a seminar to introduce Europass and the European Qualifications Framework to the higher education institutions, including the importance of these tools in the assessing the quality of education. The seminar took place in the hotel “Tallink Hotel Riga”, Riga, Latvia.During
The European Commission has launched an online survey to understand the needs of people when looking for support and information on education, training and employment.The survey aims to gather feedback from a wide range of people (students, workers and job-seekers) and organisations (education and training providers,
Academic Information Centre - Latvian NCP prepared an assessment of LQF development from 2011 to 2016. The aim of the study was to analyse the development of LQF and its contribution to changes in the Latvian education. The study highlighted a number of changes in education - the development of terminology, indication of LQF /