The new state standard of the second level professional higher education indicate the relevant EQF levels

The new state standard of the second-level professional higher education (12.09.2014) indicates the relevant EQF levels.

The Cabinet of Ministers regulations No 240 “Regulations on the state standard of the second level professional higher education” (August 26, 2014) came into force on September 12, 2014.

The standard defines the task of the second-level professional higher education study programmes: to achieve learning outcomes corresponding to the knowledge, skills and competences that are set in the classification of the Latvian education in accordance with the EQF level 6 for professional bachelor's study programmes and EQF level 7 for professional master's study programmes.

Full text of “Regulations on the state standard of the second level professional higher education” is available here (LV).

Regulations on the Classification of the Latvian education are available here (LV).


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